Opportunity Workfile Screen

Use this screen to access the opportunity workfile features.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
File The menu bar File options include Save, Save and Close, Print, and Close.
View There are no options in this menu item.

Menu bar Actions include Update Rates and Rules, Export to EMS, Convert to Repair Order, and Cancel Opportunity.

The Actions > New options include new Note, Task, Event and Form Letter.

Help This option launches the CCC ONE Online Help screen.
Override This option is displayed in the toolbar when the file is locked by another user. Selecting this option opens the Workfile Locked screen. Select OK to view the workfile information. Selecting Override discards any changes the current owner has made to the workfile.
Save This toolbar option saves the information in the workfile.
Save and Close A toolbar option that saves the information in the workfile and closes the screen.
Print Selecting this toolbar option opens the Workfile Print screen.
New The toolbar options includes new Receipt, Note, Purchase Order, Invoice, Parts Return, Partial Credit, Labor Assignment, Event, and Form Letter.
$% Update Rates and Rules Use this toolbar option to select a new rate table and rules from a profile.
Convert to Repair Order This toolbar option converts the workfile to a repair order.
Cancel Opportunity

This toolbar option opens the Cancel Opportunity Wizard which changes the workfile status to Canceled.

(document header) The blue document header displays the repair order summary information that includes the RO Number, Owner, Vehicle (year, make, model), License (plate number), Estimator, Insurance Company, VIN, and exterior Color.
Opportunity (owner last name, first name label) The opportunity owner last name and first name is displayed in this section. This field includes the document status. These include Total Loss, Cancel, and Closed.
(thumbnail image) This area displays a white box field that contains a No Photo link that opens the workfile Attachments screen. If an image has been marked as primary in the Attachments tab, then the selected image is displayed as a thumbnail.
(connection status) The Internet connection status is displayed in the lower right corner of the workfile screen.
(workfile tabs) Opportunity workfile tabs include Contacts, Insurance, Inspection, Rental, Vehicle, Estimate, Rates, Attachments,Tasks, Total Loss, Notes, Events, and Forms. Select one of the tabs to access the available features and options for that tab.


Workfile Tabs

See Also

Workfile - Contacts Tab

Workfile - Insurance Tab

Workfile - Inspection Tab

Workfile - Rental Tab

Workfile - Vehicle Tab

Workfile - Estimate Tab

Workfile - Rates Tab

Workfile - Attachments Tab

Workfile - Performance Tab

Workfile - Labor Tab

Workfile - Parts Tab

Workfile - Receipts Tab

Workfile - Repair Plan Tab

Workfile - Total Loss Tab

Workfile - Notes Tab

Workfile - Events Tab

Workfile - Forms Tab







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